Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty: The Less Invasive, More Precise, and Natural-Looking Nose Job

Rhinoplasty Surgery has been and continues to be one of the most common and popular enhancement procedures over the years – be it for reconstructive or aesthetic reasons.

However, this nose-reshaping surgery is not a one size fits all solution. At Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group, the main goal of our plastic surgeon is for the nose to appear aesthetically pleasing while maintaining the ‘natural look’ and in harmony with the rest of the face. Rhinoplasty generally addresses concerns with the size, shape, symmetry, and function of the nose. It could be to straighten a crooked nose or to reduce the dorsal hump. This procedure can also define a bulbous or rounded nasal tip or narrow the size of the nostrils. Beyond aesthetic needs, a rhinoplasty can also restore a broken nose or correct a deviated septum for a healthier breathing function.

This surge of popularity has driven an intervention of great technological advancement in the intricate art of rhinoplasty.

In this article, we’ll go through the Traditional VS Advanced PIEZO-Assisted Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty, how ultrasonic works, the benefits of undergoing the advanced procedure, and finally, take a quiz if you should get one.

Traditional VS Piezo Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

You may have heard plastic surgeons being referred to as the “sculptor“. Generally, this is because plastic surgery involves some degree of customisation for each case & patients are different. In some other cases, plastic surgeons are referred to as the sculptor as they are literally using a chisel and a hammer for the procedure, as you would a conventional rhinoplasty.

During Traditional Rhinoplasty, rasps, chisels, and hammers are usually used to shave the bone and cartilage and reshape the nose. The use of these surgical instruments can:

  • Lead to the splintering of the nasal bones and cause accidental fractures in the nasal bones
  • Creates additional trauma to surrounding nasal tissue that contributes to swelling, bruising, and additional scarring following nose surgery

In contrast, PIEZO-Assisted Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty allows Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group’s Senior Specialist, Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr Shahram Sajjadi, to shave the nasal bone with high precision with the use of piezoelectric instruments instead of traditional nose surgery instruments.

The benefits of using piezoelectric inserts during a nose job include:

  • They selectively work on hard cartilage and bone inside the nose
  • They help avoid injury to the surrounding soft tissue: skin, mucosa, and fragile nose cartilage
  • They can prevent accidentally fracturing or splintering the nasal bones

The use of the advanced PIEZO technique during a rhinoplasty offers a gentler and atraumatic solution to reshape the bones and cartilage in the nose.

How Does Piezo Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Work?

In this form of rhinoplasty surgery, a Piezoelectric instrument is used to reshape and reduce the nasal bones. A ‘Piezo’ is a specialised instrument which transmits ultrasonic waves to the bone without damaging any surrounding soft tissue. Since the energy is transmitted selectively to the bone, there is no collateral damages–which means soft-tissue swelling and bruising are significantly reduced.

To put this into perspective, watch this experiment video of Dr Shahram Sajjadi at Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group while cutting through the shell of a raw egg without damaging the eggshell membrane or the soft white tissue often found beneath the shell.

Advantages of The Advanced Piezo Technique

Here at Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group, our team of medical experts


    Using this technique eliminates the risk of radiating fracture lines that happen with a regular nose job. These fracture lines can cause a substantial amount of pain that can get in the way of you performing your daily activities.


    The piezo technology significantly reduces swelling and bruising post-surgery by minimising damage to surrounding soft tissues and blood vessels in the surrounding area. The bruising or swelling around your nose will subside quicker than it would a traditional rhinoplasty.


    The cutting and reshaping of the nasal bone with the Piezoelectric instrument are selective and millimetric. Consequently, with Piezo Nose Surgery, you will achieve more precise and detailed cosmetic outcomes as well as natural-looking results.

There are many reasons why our patients at Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group decide to go under the knife to have their nose reshaped. If you have reached this part, you might be on the fence about whether you should get a nose job or not. The following are a few questions that might help you make a better decision.

  • Are you unhappy with size, shape, or symmetry of your nose?

It is understandable if you ever feel self-conscious about the look of your nose. After all, nose is in the central location of the face. Performing a rhinoplasty to sculpt your bone, tissue, and cartilage can customise your nasal figure according to your particular preferences, and it might be the solution you are looking for.

  • Do you ever had an injury or trouble breathing through your nose?

Although Rhinoplasty Surgery is commonly done in the name of aesthetics, many others go for this option to repair their nose after an unfortunate injury, correct breathing problems or even a birth defect. If you might be a candidate for a reconstructive rhinoplasty, then having a detailed consultation with a doctor or a plastic surgeon might be the ideal first step for you.

  • Do you have realistic expectations for your results?

Before you see a surgeon, it is important to consider what exactly you are trying to achieve from your surgery. This is of particular importance when considering Rhinoplasty, as even the most subtlest changes in the anatomy of the nose, make profound differences in appearance.

  • Are you ready for the necessary precautions after your surgery?

If the answer you have in mind is ‘not really’, then it is in your best interest to postpone your procedure until you fully are. Pre- and post-operative care is as important as the procedure itself, no matter how advanced the techniques used for your surgery. That is why proper planning and preparation for your surgery is essential–as recovery varies from one patient to the next, and adhering to your post-op care is a total must.

It is easy to get overwhelmed by hundreds, if not thousands of information out there. Ultimately, if you are planning on having a nose enhancement now or anytime in the future then you should be ready to fully commit your time for a thorough research about the procedure, defining your realistic goals, and finding the right plastic surgeon for you. At the end of the day, you owe it to yourself to make a well-informed and confident decision about something that might be your most defining facial feature for life.

For details about procedures and treatments or for a consultation, advice and prices from our Dubai clinic please call  +971 4 431 2396 or use our online form.