Popular Beauty Treatments That Can Actually Make You Look Older

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In the quest for eternal youth, many people turn to cosmetic procedures to enhance their appearance. From the latest trends in Hollywood to popular treatments endorsed on social media, there seems to be an endless array of options promising to keep the signs of ageing at bay. But what if some of these procedures, instead of making you look younger, actually had the opposite effect? It’s a paradox few consider, yet the reality is that some treatments can prematurely age you, leaving you looking older than your years.

Leading Senior Consultant Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon, Dr. Allen Rezai of Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group frequently encounters patients seeking to undo the effects of some popular procedures performed by other clinics more focused on financial gain than on truly understanding and achieving their aesthetic goals. His extensive experience and commitment to holistic, patient-centred care make him a trusted figure in restoring both the youthful appearance and guiding patients with a bespoke treatment plan that works.

Before you rush to book your next beauty appointment, it’s essential to understand the potential dangers of certain cosmetic interventions that could lead you looking older than expected. Let’s delve into some of these treatments and uncover how they can contribute to a more aged appearance.

Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat, the fat pad located in the cheeks, is essential for maintaining a youthful, plump facial appearance. The trend of buccal fat removal, which has gained popularity in Hollywood, involves surgically removing this fat to create a more chiseled and defined look. Celebrities like Chrissy Teigen and Lea Michele have openly discussed undergoing this procedure, which has sparked a trend among those seeking a sculpted face. However, as we age, our faces naturally lose fat, leading to a gaunt and hollowed appearance. Removing buccal fat can exacerbate this effect, making the face appear even more sunken and aged over time. While the procedure may create a fashionable look in your youth, the long-term consequences could lead to regret as your face loses its natural volume and youthful contours.

Excessive Filler

Dermal fillers have revolutionised the field of cosmetic treatments, offering a non-surgical way to restore lost volume, smooth out wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. When administered by a skilled practitioner using the correct technique, fillers can help achieve a natural, youthful appearance. However, according to Dr. Allen Rezai, the key is balance and to ease in to the use of dermal fillers. The overuse of fillers, particularly in areas like the lips, cheeks, and under-eye hollows, can result in an unnatural, puffy appearance that ironically makes one look older. Over time, excessive fillers can distort facial proportions, creating an exaggerated look that draws attention to the very signs of ageing you were trying to diminish. This overfilled, “pillow face” effect can be challenging to reverse and often requires a careful and gradual approach to correct.

Microbladed Brows

Microblading, a semi-permanent tattooing technique for the eyebrows, has become incredibly popular, particularly among younger individuals seeking to achieve perfectly shaped brows without the daily hassle of makeup. While well-done microbladed brows can enhance your facial symmetry and define your eyes, they are not without risks. Poorly executed microblading can lead to unnatural, overly dark, or misshapen brows that can age the face dramatically. Moreover, as the skin ages and loses elasticity, tattooed brows may not age well, becoming distorted or fading into unnatural shades. The irreversible nature of microblading can leave individuals with a permanent reminder of a trend that may not stand the test of time, ultimately making them look older rather than younger.

Excessive Use of Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections, such as Botolinum Toxin, are widely used to relax facial muscles and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. When applied in moderation, these injections can effectively soften expression lines, providing a more youthful look. However, excessive use, particularly when started at a very young age or used in high doses, can lead to unintended consequences. Over time, the overuse of anti-wrinkle injections can weaken the facial muscles, causing a loss of natural facial expressions and leading to a “frozen” look. This lack of expression, combined with skin that may become thinner and less resilient with repeated treatments, can create an unnatural, aged appearance. Rather than enhancing your natural beauty, excessive injections can leave you looking older and less vibrant.

These popular treatments, when overdone or poorly executed, can actually produce results that are the exact opposite of what was intended. Instead of achieving a youthful, rejuvenated appearance, these procedures can leave you looking prematurely aged, with exaggerated features and a loss of natural beauty. The delicate balance required in cosmetic treatments means that even small missteps can lead to significant, often irreversible changes that detract from your overall appearance.

Apart from cosmetic treatments, certain daily habits and lifestyle choices can significantly contribute to premature skin ageing. Here are some common habits that can make your skin look older than it actually is:

1. Overexposure to the Sun

  • Why It Ages the Skin: Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays is one of the leading causes of premature ageing. UV radiation breaks down collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for keeping the skin firm and elastic, leading to wrinkles, sagging, and uneven skin tone.
  • How to Prevent: Always wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30, even on cloudy days. Wearing protective clothing and seeking shade during peak sun hours can also help protect your skin from damage.

2. Smoking

  • Why It Ages the Skin: Smoking accelerates the ageing process by reducing blood flow to the skin, which deprives it of oxygen and essential nutrients. The repetitive facial expressions made while smoking can also lead to the formation of deep wrinkles, particularly around the mouth.
  • How to Prevent: Quitting smoking is the best way to prevent further skin damage. Incorporating antioxidant-rich foods and skincare products can help repair some of the damage.

3. Lack of Sleep

  • Why It Ages the Skin: Sleep is when the body repairs itself, including the skin. A lack of sleep can lead to increased stress hormone levels, which can break down collagen and result in dull, sagging skin, and dark circles under the eyes.
  • How to Prevent: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establishing a regular sleep routine and creating a restful environment can improve the quality of your sleep.

4. Poor Diet

  • Why It Ages the Skin: A diet high in sugar and processed foods can lead to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which damage collagen and elastin. This can result in wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, and a dull complexion.
  • How to Prevent: Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide your skin with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and youthful.

5. Neglecting Skincare Routine

  • Why It Ages the Skin: Failing to cleanse, moisturise, and protect your skin daily can lead to the accumulation of dirt, oil, and pollutants that contribute to skin ageing. Skipping regular exfoliation can also cause the buildup of dead skin cells, resulting in a dull complexion.
  • How to Prevent: Establishing a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, moisturising, exfoliating, and applying sunscreen can help maintain youthful skin. Tailoring your routine to your skin type and concerns is essential for optimal results.

By being mindful of these habits and making healthier lifestyle choices, you can significantly reduce the signs of aging and keep your skin looking youthful and radiant.

Detailed Consultation Is Key

In the pursuit of beauty, it’s crucial to remember that less is often more. The allure of cosmetic procedures is understandable, but it’s essential to approach them with caution and an awareness of the potential long-term effects. A detailed consultation with Dr. Allen Rezai  who is an expert in facial anatomy is vital. At Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group, we offer a bespoke treatment plan that ensures safe and holistic modalities, tailored to your individual needs. By focusing on maintaining a natural look rather than chasing fleeting trends, you can enhance your beauty in a way that stands the test of time, keeping you looking your best at any age.

For details about procedures and treatments or for a consultation, advice and prices from our Dubai clinic please call +971 4 431 2396 or use our ONLINE FORM.

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