Navigating Skin Ageing: What Is It, What Causes It, and What You Can Do About It

Navigating Skin Ageing - Dubai

Embracing the natural changes in our bodies is a fundamental aspect of life. As we age, our skin undergoes its own journey of transformation, marked by the emergence of wrinkles and age spots.

Ageing is, of course, perfectly normal. However, there are steps you can take to age more gracefully, preserving that healthy, vibrant appearance. At Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group, together with the guidance of Dr. Allen Rezai, renowned Senior Consultant, Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon in London, Harley Street and Dubai, our goal is to assist our patients in cultivating newfound sense of confidence in their skin and body. So, if you’re wondering how to keep your skin looking youthful and rejuvenated, taking proper care and maintaining it with the safe & advance treatments is key.

Read on to learn the intricacies of skin ageing, offering insights into when and how it manifests, and exploring effective strategies to support your skin’s health and vitality.


To comprehend the changes that occur in your skin as you age, it’s essential to grasp the mechanics behind the ageing process.

Did you know that your skin comprises three primary layers—the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis—interconnected by connective tissues? With ageing, these tissues gradually lose their firmness and elasticity, resulting in thinner, less resilient skin. Furthermore, the skin’s regenerative capacity diminishes over time, highlighting the significance of natural restoration in combatting signs of ageing.

Additionally, your skin is susceptible to oxidation—a natural process influenced by various internal and external factors that can expedite the signs of ageing. Factors such as smoking, pollution, an unhealthy diet, stress, and inadequate sleep can accelerate this process. However, prolonged exposure to sunlight stands out as a particularly harmful factor, contributing to 80% of premature skin ageing due to solar radiation.

Beyond external influences, your current dietary choices and skincare routines also impact your skin’s future health. While you may not notice immediate changes in your 20s, your skin will reflect the consequences of your lifestyle choices by the time you reach your 50s.


Skin ageing manifests through a spectrum of indicators, each signalling the passage of time and the natural changes of our skin’s structure and function. Here are the key manifestations commonly observed:

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles: These subtle lines, often the initial indicators of ageing, emerge delicately around the eyes (crow’s feet), forehead, or mouth. Initially, these lines may only surface with facial expressions but progressively deepen, becoming permanent fixtures that chronicle the passage of time on our face.
  • Diminished Volume and Elasticity: As we age, the skin undergoes a transformation from its once-plump and resilient state, losing its firmness and suppleness. This decline in elasticity predisposes the skin to the development of deep wrinkles and furrows, while also resulting in an overall loss of youthful radiance and vitality.
  • Sagging Skin: Loss of volume and elasticity within the skin’s matrix contributes to a gradual descent of facial tissues, leading to sagging skin, most notably evident in areas such as the cheeks and neck. This downward shift alters facial contours, accentuating the appearance of jowls and creating the characteristic “turkey neck” or “tech neck” phenomenon.
  • Changes in Texture and Pigmentation: As the skin matures, changes in texture and pigmentation become increasingly evident. Uneven skin tone, characterised by hyperpigmentation or age spots, may emerge, alongside changes in skin texture, such as heightened dryness or roughness.


Skin ageing is a complex process influenced by a combination of internal and external factors. Understanding these intricate mechanisms is crucial for effectively caring for ageing skin, reducing visible signs of ageing, and preventing premature ageing.

Internal Factors:

  • Hormonal Influences: Changes in hormone levels, especially the decline in oestrogen, have significant impacts on skin health and vitality. Decreased oestrogen levels disrupt cellular communication, disturbing the intricate signalling pathways responsible for skin regeneration and repair. This disruption compromises the skin’s ability to maintain elasticity and resilience, leading to visible signs of ageing.
  • Genetic Predisposition: Genetics play a crucial role in determining how our skin ages. Our genetic makeup, including factors such as phototype and skin type, greatly influences the rate at which signs of ageing appear on the skin’s surface. Individuals with fair or sensitive skin may experience premature wrinkling and uneven pigmentation, while those with darker skin tones may exhibit delayed onset of age-related changes.
  • Metabolic Processes: As metabolic activity shifts subtly with age, the skin’s ability to regenerate may diminish. Slower metabolism can hinder the synthesis of essential skin proteins like collagen and elastin, resulting in decreased firmness and elasticity over time. Additionally, changes in lipid metabolism may contribute to skin dryness and thinning, exacerbating the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

External Factors:

The external environment significantly accelerates the ageing process of the skin, largely through oxidative stress mechanisms. Oxidative stress occurs when there’s an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants within the skin, leading to cellular damage and hastened ageing. This oxidative burden is influenced by various lifestyle factors, including:

  • Excessive Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is a primary external factor contributing to skin ageing. Continuous UV exposure triggers oxidative stress, resulting in photoageing characterised by uneven pigmentation, fine lines, and other visible signs of skin damage.
  • Environmental Pollution: Urban areas are rife with environmental pollutants that exacerbate oxidative stress and magnify the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin. These pollutants generate free radicals, accelerating the ageing process and emphasising the need to shield the skin from environmental aggressors.
  • Smoking: Cigarette smoke contains numerous harmful chemicals and nicotine that heighten oxidative stress and hasten skin ageing. Smoking diminishes skin elasticity, impairs wound healing, and worsens the effects of UV damage, leading to the premature onset of wrinkles and other age-related changes.
  • Dietary Habits: Antioxidant-rich diets, primarily sourced from fruits and vegetables, help counteract oxidative stress and mitigate skin ageing. Conversely, diets high in fat and carbohydrates may accelerate ageing processes, emphasising the importance of a well-balanced diet for skin health.
  • Skincare Practices: Inappropriate skincare routines or the use of harsh products can exacerbate skin ageing. Gentle cleansing with suitable products, combined with the regular application of targeted skincare, is crucial for maintaining skin health. Additionally, consistent sun protection is essential for preventing premature skin ageing and shielding against UV-induced damage.


1. Aesthetic Injectables

Aesthetic injectables, including anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers, offer effective solutions for combating visible signs of ageing. Anti-wrinkle injections target dynamic wrinkles by relaxing the underlying muscles, resulting in smoother, rejuvenated skin. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, replenish lost volume and enhance facial contours by adding volume to areas affected by sagging or hollowing. These minimally invasive treatments provide natural-looking results with minimal downtime, making them popular choices for individuals seeking non-surgical facial rejuvenation.

2. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy harnesses the regenerative power of your body’s own platelets to stimulate collagen production and promote tissue repair. During the procedure, a small amount of blood is drawn and processed to isolate the platelet-rich plasma, which is then injected into targeted areas of the skin. PRP therapy can improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance overall skin tone and elasticity. It is a safe and natural treatment option with minimal risk of adverse reactions, making it suitable for individuals seeking a holistic approach to skin rejuvenation.

3. Rejuvenating Facials

Rejuvenating facials, such as HydraFacial and OxyGeneo facial, offer deep cleansing, exfoliation, and nourishment to rejuvenate the skin and address common signs of ageing. These advanced facial treatments use innovative technologies to deliver potent serums and nutrients deep into the skin, promoting cellular renewal and enhancing skin health. Whether targeting fine lines, uneven texture, or dullness, rejuvenating facials can help restore a youthful glow and improve overall skin vitality.

4. Cutting-Edge Non-Invasive Technologies

Cutting-edge non-invasive technologies, such as Morpheus8, Lumecca IPL, and Forma RF, offer innovative solutions for skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, and complexion improvement. These advanced devices utilise radiofrequency, intense pulsed light (IPL), and microneedling technologies to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and address a wide range of aesthetic concerns. With customisable treatment options and minimal discomfort, these non-invasive procedures provide effective results without the need for surgery or prolonged downtime.

5. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are cosmetic treatments that use exfoliating agents, such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or trichloroacetic acid (TCA), to remove dead skin cells and stimulate cellular turnover. By promoting the shedding of damaged outer layers of the skin, chemical peels can improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance overall skin clarity and brightness. These treatments are available in varying strengths and formulations to suit different skin types and concerns, making them a versatile option for addressing visible signs of ageing.

6. Surgical Interventions

For individuals seeking more dramatic results or targeting advanced signs of ageing, surgical interventions such as facelift, eyelid surgery, and neck lift may be recommended. These procedures involve surgical excision of excess skin and tissue, repositioning of facial muscles, and tightening of the skin to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. While surgical interventions require a longer recovery period compared to non-invasive treatments, they can provide long-lasting and transformative results for individuals seeking comprehensive facial rejuvenation


In conclusion, navigating the journey of skin ageing requires a comprehensive understanding of its multifaceted nature. By acknowledging the interplay of internal and external factors, we empower ourselves to take proactive steps towards maintaining skin health and vitality.

Remember, ageing is a natural process, but how we embrace it can make all the difference. From hormonal influences to environmental stressors, our skin bears the marks of our experiences and choices. However, armed with knowledge and the right strategies, we can age gracefully and confidently.

At Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group, we are committed to guiding you on this journey towards natural beauty and confidence. With our advanced treatments and expert care, we invite you to redefine your relationship with ageing and embrace the beauty of every stage of life.

Schedule a detailed consultation with Dr. Allen Rezai for an expert guidance in your bespoke skincare regimen. Our team is dedicated to supporting you on your journey to healthy, radiant skin.

For details about procedures and treatments or for a consultation, advice and prices from our Dubai clinic please call +971 4 431 2396 or use our ONLINE FORM.