Breast Uplift with Implants

In the Breast Uplift with Implants procedure (also known as Breast Augmentation with Uplift or Augmented Mastopexy), excess skin is removed and breast implants are inserted in order to enhance, lift, reshape and firm your breast, thus producing a more youthful breast contour.

Why do breasts sag?

  • Loss of skin elasticity due to aging
  • The natural effects of gravity over time
  • Loss of breast volume after losing weight
  • Changes in breast size associated with pregnancy and breast-feeding

Who is suitable for breast uplift with implants?

  • Women who consider their breasts to be both too small and also too saggy

What to consider at this stage

Before meeting with your surgeon it is important to consider what you would like to achieve from your breast surgery. Particularly, how large you want your breasts to be. There are several technical considerations to be taken into account by the surgeon in determining what implant sizes will be in proportion to the women’s body. However the objective should always be to create a realistic end result in harmony with a woman’s figure and build.

The procedure for breast uplift with implants surgery

  • The operation is carried out under general anaesthetic
  • The operation takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes
  • The majority of patients stay in hospital for 1 night
  • If you are involved in non-physical work, you can expect to return to work after 1 week
  • You can anticipate returning to normal physical exercise within 4 to 6 weeks

As with the majority of surgical procedures, many options can be considered. These depend upon the wishes of the patient, technical considerations and preferences of the surgeon.

At your consultation, your surgeon will provide you with advice upon the best options for you, taking all known factors into account.

There are essentially 3 possible types of incision:

  • Around the areola
  • Around the areola and vertical running from the areola to the breast crease
  • Around the areola and vertical running from the areola to the breast crease then continuing horizontally along that crease

The size and types of the breast implants will be discussed with you at consultation.

Implants today are available in silicone gel or saline fluid. In both of these types the shell of the implants are made of a solid silicone. In general, silicone implants have a superior look and feel in the body. At Elite Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Group we use only the highest quality, top of the range breast implants.

Following the operation

As with all types of surgery, you should expect to feel bruised and sore following your operation. Your breasts are also likely to be swollen. You might also be requested to sleep on your back and to avoid strenuous activities and bending for a few weeks. You will also have to wear a support bra. Most patients can return to normal activity within 3 to 4 weeks.

As is normal with all scars, they will fade over a period of time. They will typically heal to form very faint white lines. However, it is important to remember that no surgical scar will ever disappear in its entirety.

Risks & Complications

Cosmetic surgery is amongst the safest of all medical procedures. However, it should be understood and accepted by all patients that no surgical procedure is totally risk-free.

For additional information about the potential risks and complications associated with Breast Uplift with Implants, please refer to Risks and Complications of Augmented Mastopexy.

At your consultation, your surgeon will discuss these risks with you.

How long will the results of your breast uplift with implants last?

For most women, the results last for very many years.

Factors that may reduce this period include:

  • Heavier breasts tend to sag again somewhat earlier
  • Women who select larger implants
  • Women who gain significant amounts of weight following surgery
  • Women who become pregnant may develop significantly larger breasts that again sag

It is important to understand that breast uplift with implant surgery is not a one time surgery as breast implants of any type are not considered lifetime devices and cannot be expected to last forever. You may require future surgery for implant replacement or removal.

For details about procedures and treatments or for a consultation, advice and prices from our Dubai clinic please call  +971 4 431 2396 or use our online form.

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